News Release

July 21, 2021

Fujifilm publishes third edition of Women4Women magazine dedicated to female empowerment.

"Powerful Women" is the third issue of Fujifilm's "Women4Women" magazine, a monograph which narratives are a clear example of the inner and outer strength and power of women in their efforts, in work and personal life. With an overarching aim of raising awareness and recognising the achievements of these women, this edition supports women socially and professionally in their own individual growth.

Fujifilm has collected unique stories that have inspired and moved, where insight and curiosity have been a tool for dealing with life's difficulties and setbacks. Leadership, Work-Life Balance, She-cession, Hobbies, Endometriosis and Charity are the six chapters of the magazine featuring contributions from 27 women across different countries and backgrounds.

The heritage we bring to the company and to our everyday lives is invaluable,

says Luana Porfido, Head of Corporate Communication and Integration Chief FUJIFILM Europe GmbH, who contributed to the creation of this issue.

We bring competence, drive, passion, resilience, flexibility, creativity, empathy, strength, commitment and the ability to work as a team. We are able to constantly renew our motivation and focus it towards the final objective. My more than 30-year career has served as continuous training for me in the development of new skills and in the refinement of skills that I have gradually accumulated, thanks also to my career as an athlete. Just like when I was a little girl and went to the gym, sport - like life - is a continuous comparison with myself.

This new issue of Women4Women, written with the passion and determination that distinguishes great women, features on its cover an image by Singaporean artist and X-Photographer Mindy Tan, who will carry out a photographic project on the three women Jade, Jasmine and Chomar and their personal relationship with hair.

Among the stories, Wendy Gray, an Independent Fujifilm Account Manager in the UK, talks about her personal experience and how hard it is to be a woman in a predominantly male working environment, especially in such a responsible role. For Béatrice Oger, an Application Engineer in France, mother of twins and accomplished sportswoman, running is the way to find her professional, personal and family balance. With her Fujifilm colleagues, she has been participating in the "La Parisienne", a 100% pink running event for medical research in the fight against breast cancer since 2017.

In an interview, Chisato Yoshizawa, Corporate Vice President, General Manager of Corporate Communications Division and ESG Division of FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, talks about her commitment in order to promote initiatives to achieve sustainable growth and improvement for the company, emphasising that:

All people should achieve a 'positive spiral' by humbly learning from everyone and everything and developing their skills through work experience. It is up to us to change ourselves, our way of thinking and be proactive in life as well as at work to grow and improve.

With the right balance between men and women, one gets a more mature culture within an organization,

comments Yvonne Van Rooy, Supervisory Board of Directors of FUJIFILM Manufacturing Europe.

Adding a sufficient number of women to teams and leadership increases the chance of different angles being addressed. The organization is better off. That is why I am so motivated, not from a feminist point of view, but because it is better for the quality of the decision-making process. Another very important argument is that young people, men or women, no longer want to work in an one-sided organization of only men or only women. A good learning culture within any company or organization that includes gender neutrality and a diversity of cultures, will make an organization better. That’s why I like the initiative of this magazine so much!

Each woman shares her personal story. The challenges, the passions, the difficult balance between work and private life, the journeys of self-discovery, the strength and dedication that have led them to be successful women in their field and happy with what they do - but, above all, with who they are. 

Read the magazine:

Powerful Women | July 2021
Powerful Women | July 2021
Women in Science | February 2021
Women in Science | February 2021
The Care of Yourself | October 2020
The Care of Yourself | October 2020