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Gas Separation Membranes

Gas separation membrane with high performance and robustness against contaminants

Gas Separation Membranes

Based on Fujifilm’s outstanding history in organic chemistry, thin-film coating and manufacturing excellence, we have developed a highly functional membrane element. Fujifilm Apura™ has proven itself for treatment of natural gas and distinguishes itself with resistance against contaminants like aromatics and water.

Apura™ : Gas Separation Membrane Element for Natural Gas Sweetening

With Fujifilm’s new gas separation element Apura™, our clients are able to sweeten their natural gas in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The elements can be used for bulk and fine removal of acid gas in natural gas processes.

Apura™ gas separation membrane includes two products- Apura™-1.5XF and Apura™-2.0C, which are designed to maximize the CO2 removal capacity (Apura™-1.5XF) and Hydrocarbon recovery (Apura™-2.0C).

These membranes can be combined in stages to be able to maximize the overall separation efficiency.

Function of Apura™

Under the influence of partial pressure, Fujifilm’s spiral wound membrane elements (modules) remove CO2, H2S, and water from a natural gas feed stream. This membrane separation process results in an enhanced caloric product stream (also known as residue) that is low on CO2, H2S, and water and in a waste stream that is lean in hydrocarbons and rich in CO2, H2S, and water.

Innovative technology

Using our proprietary technology, we offer highly functional and cost-effective gas sweetening membrane elements with high CO2 / hydrocarbon selectivity, resulting in lower CAPEX and OPEX for our clients. Fujifilm utilizes multilayer composite membranes, which makes the modules extremely robust toward aromatics and water.

Fujifilm Apura™ has been proven in different worldwide installations, including full replacements of conventional gas separation sites, which leads to a reduction of CO2 emissions.

Customized modules

Fujifilm’s membrane elements fit in the regular 8- and 8¼-inch pressure vessels.

Apura™-FG: Gas Separation Membrane Element for Fuel Gas Conditioning

With Fujifilm’s new gas separation element Apura™-FG, our clients are able to condition their natural gas stream in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The elements can be used for heavy hydrocarbon (Ethanes+) and bulk H2S removal in fuel gas conditioning processes.

Function of Apura™-FG

Under the influence of pressure, Fujifilm’s spiral wound membrane elements (modules) remove heavy hydrocarbons and H2S from a natural gas feed stream. This membrane separation process results in a reduced caloric product stream (also known as fuel gas) that is low on high hydrocarbons and H2S and in a waste stream that is rich in hydrocarbons and H2S.

Applications of Apura™-FG include Wellhead Natural Gas Conditioning, Fuel Gas Conditioning for Gas Engine, and Gas Turbine.

Innovative technology

Using our proprietary technology, we offer highly functional and cost-effective fuel gas conditioning elements with high hydrocarbon (Ethanes+) selectivity towards methane, resulting in more efficient plant operation and reduced Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) emissions which result from combustion of heavy hydrocarbons.

Fujifilm utilizes multilayer composite membranes, which makes the modules extremely robust towards aromatics and water.

Customized modules

Fujifilm’s membrane elements fit in the regular 8- and 8¼-inch pressure vessels.

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