The FUJIFILM Camera Head FULL HD Zoom is equipped with an all-purpose 2 x optical zoom for full screen laparoscopic images as well as circular images of small endoscopes. Designed for ease-of-use and operator comfort, it provides exceptionally ergonomic FULL HD zoom for the FUJIFILM camera platform.
- Full HD sensor resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels, progressive scan, 60 frames per second)
- 2x optical zoom
- 3x digital zoom
- Lockable endoscope connection
- Optimized settings for each clinical specialty (laparoscopy, arthroscopy, gynecology, urology, fiberscopes, neuroendoscopy)
- Individually programmable and illuminated function key
- All rigid, flexible or semi-flexible endoscopes with standard ocular can be connected
The FUJIFILM 3CMOS FULL HD Zoom is equipped with 3 CMOS sensors and an all-purpose 2 x optical zoom for full screen laparoscopic images as well as circular images of small endoscopes. Designed for ease-of-use and operator comfort, it provides exceptionally ergonomic FULL HD optical zoom for the FUJIFILM camera platform.

- 3CMOS sensor, native Full HD
- Best color reproduction due to 3CMOS sensor design
- 2x optical zoom (plus 3x digital zoom)
- Unique lockable endoscope connection
- STERRAD compatible
- Optimized settings for laparoscopy, arthroscopy, gynecology, urology, ENT, fi berscopes, neuroendoscopy
- Individually programmable and illuminated function keys
All rigid, flexible or semi-flexible endoscopes with standard ocular can be connected