The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.
The technologies to hone the high quality “sound” have evolved further giving life to Pure Symphonic Architecture.
The combination of Transducers / Frontend, Variable Beamformer, Active Backend Plus, and OLED monitor: all technologies working together to realize the highest level of premium class performance.
The evolution of CMUT(Capacitive Micro-machined Ultrasound Transducers), using next generation silicon wafer technology has brought the full complement of ultrasound examination modes into practical use. With super wide frequency bandwidth and high sensitivity, the enhanced resolution is maintained in the far field. CMUT can deliver a one probe solution for a wide range of ultrasound examinations.
Basic performance and operability are optimized to achieve high image quality equivalent to a normal convex transducer. The Wide Scanning function can secure a wide scanning angle, while maintaining high image quality in examinations. The C23RV supports a built-in Real-time Virtual Sonography (RVS) sensor.
The eFocusing transmission and reception technology newly developed for ARIETTA 850, significantly improves S/N and reduces focal dependency. Outstanding clarity of imaging from near to far field with less patient dependency is achieved.

Focused at all depths
Advanced image technology producing images with "Clearer Visibility"*. Stable imaging with less patient dependency helps to achieve clearer images with less noise. This is made possible by our new image processing technology that enhances tissue structure visibility.
As the concept of this function, we would like to emphasize "Clearer Visibility".
- * "Clearer Visibility" due to noise reduction, improved completeness, and continuity of tissue boundaries.


The ARIETTA 850 has adopted the latest technology, 22 inch wide OLED Monitor for an optimum image display. Without any backlighting to function, the OLED Monitor displays true black, so that a previously unattainable contrast resolution can be achieved. OLED is the ideal monitor for diagnostic ultrasound, producing the highest quality of gray-scale display.