The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.
Improved access to medical examinations results increased X-ray dose to the population.
As CT scanning becomes more wide-spread, the propotion of X-ray dose exposure resulting from CT scans increases.

Contribution of CT Dose to total medical X-ray dose*1

Number of CT scanners*2
- *1・Bolus et al.: NCRP Report 160 and What It Means for Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY Vol.41 No.4 December 2013
・Japan Atomic Energy Commission: Cancer and Radiation Therapy, 12th Atomic Energy Commission Document 1-1 - *2 OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing, Paris, OECD (2017), Health at a Glance 2017

Image diagnosis using iodinated contrast media provides a lot of useful information, but using contrast media in patients with impaired kidney function risks contrast induced nephropathy (CIN).Therefore, guidelines for risk reduction have been issued by the European Society of Urogenital Radiology, ESUR, and the American College of Radiology, ACR.

- * IPV is an abbreviation for Iterative Progressive reconstruction with Visual modeling.
Measures are being taken worldwide to mitigate the exposed dose as the number of examinations increases. For example, the Diagnostic reference level (DRL), which is a measure of the radiation dose for radiological diagnosis, has been introduced in many countries, defining standards to promote scanning at the lowest possible dose consistent with maintaining high image quality.

- ・Kanal et al.: U.S. Diagnostic Reference Levels and Achievable Doses for 10 Adult CT Examinations, Radiology Volume 284 : Number1-July 2017
- ・Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz : Bekanntmachung der aktualisierten diagnostischen Referenzwerte für diagnostische und interventionelle Röntgenanwendungen Vom 22. Juni 2016
To reduce the Contrast Media Nephropathy (CIN) risk, efforts have been made to reduce the amount of contrast media used during low tube voltage scanning.
However, low-tube-voltage scanning increases image noise and the choice of exposure factors become more crucial.

Lowering tube voltage increases image noise.

To keep the image noise, it is necessary to adjust the tube current.

- The Physics Model reduces noise present in the FBP by adjusting the texture at a uniform rate, from high frequency to low frequency, and achieves a texture close to FBP.
- Statistical Model statistically reduces both the X-ray noise and electrical noise.
- The Object Model keeps the structure in consideration of the shape, size, contrast, position, etc. of the structure by modeling the change of morphological information.
Iterative processing Intelli IPV maintains normal image texture, even at a high dose reduction ratio, as well as reducing the noise, resulting in improved visibility. Vision Model Technology makes this possible. The technology controls image noise and quality by iterative arithmetic processing based on a statistical model, an object model and a physics model.
- The texture of the image changes
- Low contrast detectability is reduced
Intelli IPV achieves an image texture similar to FBP images by making the NPS (noise power spectrum) close to that of the FBP, as well as improving the low contrast detectability by up to 2 times.

Physical properties close to FBP
Can image quality be adjusted according to the anatomical region and the pathology scanned?
Yes. The noise reduction effect has up to 9 selectable intensity levels (Standard: Lv.1〜4 and Strong: Lv.1〜5) for each anatomical region.
Is the reconstruction time fast enough to be used for routine examinations?
Yes, the reconstruction time is fast enough to be used for routine examinations.
What are the main advantages of Intelli IPV compared to FBP?
Achieves image noise reduction up to 90%, radiation dose reduction up to 83%, and improves low contrast detection capability up to 2 times.