Home Healthcare X-ray ASPIRE Cristalle ASPIRE Cristalle: Technology

ASPIRE Cristalle - Feature Technology


A dynamic and intuitive mammography  system built with insight into image quality, operational excellence and patient experience.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.


Produces consistent image quality across a wide range of patients.

ASPIRE Cristalle incorporates adaptive image processing algorithms that automatically adjust to patient breast thickness and composition.

ASPIRE Cristalle’s Hexagonal Close Pattern (HCP) direct conversion technology

The detector is the heart of any digital mammography system. Simply put, its job is to detect x-rays, convert them into electrons, and collect the resulting electrical charges. The more efficiently it collects charges, the stronger the image signal, the less noisy the image, and the lower the dose needed.

In conventional detector design, the pixels that detect x-rays are square, with wide gaps between them, losing some of the converted x-ray information.

In the Aspire Cristalle, hexagonal pixels are arranged with smaller gaps between pixels, resulting in less signal loss, stronger electrical fields, and higher sensitivity. When compared to square pixels, HCP delivers:

  • 20% increase in detector sensitivity
  • Improved information capture
  • Lower patient dose
  • 50-micron display
  • Fast acquisition time - only 15 seconds
  • Hexagonal pixels distribute the electrical field more efficiently for a stronger, more homogenous signal
  • Results in images with high DQE and MTF
  • Ultra-sharp images, gentle dose
  • Upgradeable to future technologies

Conventional square pixel

ASPIRE Cristalle hexagonal pixel 

Corrects for X-ray Beam Quality

ISC-Image-based Spectrum Conversion is a contrast correction algorithm that produces molybdenum image quality even though the image was acquired with a tungsten target. ISC provides the dose savings of tungsten with the image quality of molybdenum.

DYN II – Provides high contrast image without saturation in breast region

Dynamic Visualization II (DYN II) provides consistent appropriate density of glandular and adipose tissue in each breast type, so the contrast of thick breast and dense breast is improved. Furthermore, it provides high contrast with no saturation in breast region, so the sites are possible to set high contrast parameter.



intelligent AEC
Conventional AEC
Manual sensor AEC

Requires manual adjustment of the setting based on the assured location of mammary gland

Automatic sensor AEC

Automatically selects the appropriate sensor from the pre-shot images

  • * Some items are optional, please contact your subsidiary for the detail.