
High Purity Primary Solvents - Services

A leading manufacturer of high purity solvents used in semiconductor-related manufacturing processes.

Our Services

FUJIFILM Ultra Pure Solutions, Inc. not only offers you the chemicals you need, but also provides services that go beyond your typical supplier. We provide a full array of custom services including, but not limited to packaging, blending, distillation, and purification services.

Custom Packaging

We provide packaging to meet the specific requirements of our customers, including:

  • One, Five, Fifty-Five Gallon HDPE Containers
  • 2.5, 4.0, and 10-Liter NOWPaks®
  • 55 Gallon Poly Lined & S.S. Metal Drums
  • 200 TO 500 Gallon Poly Tote Tanks
  • Pint, Quart, Gallon, and Four Liter Glass Containers
  • One, Five, and Fifty-Five Gallon Fluorinated Containers
  • Tank Trucks

We are ISO 9001:2008 Certified and perform quality assurance testing on all packaged products. 

Available Product Grades

We provide product grades that are custom to end-user specifications:

  • ACS
  • HPLC
  • PPB
  • Technical
  • BP, EP, JP
  • Low Particle
  • PPT
  • USP
  • Distilled
  • NF
  • Reagent
  • VLSI
  • Electronic
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Semiconductor
  • Multi-Compendial


General Guide to Chemical Grades

The following guide is meant to provide a brief description of several chemical grades:

PPT Grade - Grade where the trace metallic elements are measured in “Parts-per-Trillion.”

PPB Grade - Grade where the trace metallic elements are measured in “Parts-per-Billion.”

Semi Grade - A set of material specifications  known as “Semi Standards” established by the trade organization “Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International” (SEMI). There are several different “Tiers” for purity within the SEMI Standards.

Low Particle Grade - Chemical grade offering “Best in Class” particulate levels as measured by Liquid Particle Counters.

Electronic Grade - Generally follows criteria for “Semi” specs, but which does not exist in published SEMI Standards.

ACS Reagent Grade - A chemical grade which meets or exceeds the purity standards of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

Reagent Grade - A chemical grade which meets basic parameters, but not associated with any published industry standards.

USP Grade - Grade of chemicals of sufficient purity to meet or exceed the requirements established by the U.S. Pharmacopoeia Trade Organization.

NF Grade - Grade of chemicals of sufficient purity to meet or exceed the requirements established by the National Formulary Trade Organization

Technical Grade - Good quality chemical grade used for commercial and industrial purposes.