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ARIETTA 850 - Your Application

Providing high quality diagnostic imaging to a wide range of clinical areas.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Real-time Virtual Sonography (RVS) Elastography
Shear Wave Measurement(SWM)/Shear Wave Elastography(SWE)

Shear waves are generated using a ‘push pulse’ to excite the tissues. SWM provides an assessment of tissue stiffness by calculating Vs, the propagation velocity of the shear waves. SWM provides an additional reliability indicator, VsN, as an objective evaluation of the Vs measurement. SWE color-codes tissue sttifness based on the propagation velocity of shear waves. SWE can be used to evaluate liver visually and non-invasively.

Fetal 3D/4D
4Dshading Flow/4Dtranslucence

The 4Dshading technology gives a more realistic appearance to the rendered surface of the fetus in the 3D display. 4Dshading Flow is its Doppler blood flow mode optimized to offer a better understanding of complex vascular flows. 4Dtranslucence enables evaluation of fetal structures providing a display of the fetal body surface and internal organ boundaries with a translucency.

Fetal heart examination