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Multifunctional workstation for veterinary.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Stress-free Operation with Assistance of FVS-1000
Report Creation with Multi modality Images

Examination reports with images can be created simply and effectively.

Compatible with both CR and DR

Compatible with our established and world renowned CR series and our DR flat panel, the FVS-1000 allows selection of image receptor to match imaging and budget requirements. Simple upgrade path allows the FVS-1000 to be easily upgraded from CR to DR when future DR imaging is required.

System configuration

Supports veterinary solutions with data communication between multiple equipment.

Fujifilm’s exclusive technologies for achieving low dose and sharp image

The FVS-1000 workstation provides optimized veterinary imaging using the innovative technologies developed from Fujifilm’s renowned FCR and flagship FDR systems. Technologies including Exposure Data Recognizer (EDR); to automatically adjust density and contrast for consistent diagnostic images, Dynamic Visualization; which optimizes image display based on monitor characteristics and Multi-objective Frequency Processing (MFP); that suppresses metal artefacts and provides natural image enhancement.

World’s First FCR (1983)

Unique Image Processing Technology