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Conventional X-Ray


Industrial X-ray film for non-destructive testing applications.

FUJIFILM INDUSTRIAL X-RAY FILM for consistent high quality non-destructive Testing

Fujifilm industrial x-ray film feature revolutionary new film technolgy. The combination of the latest in emulsion making science and computerized manufacturing processes assure consistent batch to batch performance, optimum image quality and compatibility with all NDT chemistries and current brand tank /automatic processing conditions.The Fujifilm family of films incorporate unique speed, and grain technologies thus permitting their use over a wide range of applications with consistent high quality regardless of the material examined and the source of radiation employed.


  • Micro-electronic parts
  • Neutron radiography
  • Critical investment castings
  • Ultra-fine ceramic parts
  • Graphite composite parts

A single emulsion, ultra-fine grain, medium high contrast film suitable for critical imaging quality applications. Its single emulsion feature minimizes parallax and permits extremely sharp magnified viewing. IX20 is generally used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS Kt627
10 9 8 5 - - -
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Non interleaved


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Micro-electronic parts
  • Fine ceramic parts
  • Castings: low to medium atomic number metals
  • Applications requiring the highest of contrast
  • High-output supervoltage X-ray exposure

Fujifilm's finest grain, high contrast ASTM special film having maximum sharpness and discrimination characteristics.
It is suitable for new materials, such as carbon fiber reinforced plastics, ceramic products, and micro electronic parts.
IX25 is generally used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.
IX25 is recommended for automated processing only.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
20 17 15 10 SPECIAL C1 T1
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Non interleaved, Envelopak, Envelopak+Pb


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Pipe weld
  • Electronic components
  • Aerospace and aircraft components
  • Nuclear plants
  • Castings(low to medium atomic number metals)

An ultra-fine grain, very high contrast ASTM Class Ⅰ film having excellent sharpness and very high discrimination characteristics. IX30 will provide an excellent image quality to obtain accurate results for critical NDT inspections.
IX30 is suitable for exposure using radiation sources such as X-ray, gamma rays or megavolt equipment. IX30 is generally used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class **
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
30 25 18 16 I C2 T1
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Non interleaved, Envelopak, Envelopak+Pb
Non interleaved


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100

**Classification based on developed with Fujifilm's recommended processing conditions


  • Electronic parts
  • Graphite epoxy composites
  • High curie isotope exposures
  • Castings: low to medium atomic number metals

An ultra-fine grain, high contrast ASTM Class ? film having excellent sharpness and high discrimination characteristics. It is suitable for use with any low atomic number material where fine image detail is imperative. Its ultra-fine grain makes it useful in high energy, low subject contrast applications where high curie isotopes or high output X-ray machines permit its use. Wide exposure latitude has been demonstrated in high subject contrast applications. IX50 is generally used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
35 30 30 30 I C3 T2
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Interleaved, Non interleaved, Envelopak, Envelopak+Pb


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Welds: low to medium atomic number metals
  • Castings: low to medium atomic number metals
  • Aircraft construction and maintenance
  • Graphite epoxy composites

An extremely fine grain, high contrast ASTM Class ? film suitable for detection of minute defects. It is applicable to the inspection of low atomic number materials with low kilovoltage X-ray sources as well as inspection of higher atomic number materials with high kilovoltage X-ray or gamma ray sources. Wide exposure latitude has been demonstrated in high subject contrast applications. IX80 is generally used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
55 55 55 55 I C4 T2
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Interleaved, Non interleaved, Envelopak, Envelopak+Pb
Non interleaved, Envelopak, Envelopak+Pb


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Welds: medium to higher atomic number metals
  • Castings: medium to higher atomic number metals
  • Aircraft construction and maintenance
  • Ordnance inspection

A very fine grain, high contrast ASTM Class II film suitable for the inspection of light metals with low activity radiation sources and for inspection of thick, higher density specimens with high kilovoltage X-ray or gamma ray sources. Wide exposure latitude has been demonstrated in high contrast subject applications. Although IX100 is generally used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens, it is suitable for use with fluorescent or fluorometallic screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
100 100 100 100 II C5 T3


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Heavy, multi-thick steel parts
  • Steel reinforced concrete
  • Low curie isotope and low-output X-ray exposures

A high speed, fine grain, high contrast ASTM Class III film suitable for inspection of a large variety of specimens with low-to-high kilovoltage X-ray and gamma ray sources. It is particularly useful when gamma ray sources of high activity are unavailable or when very thick specimens are to be inspected. It is also useful in X-ray diffraction work. IX150 is used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
200 200 170 170 III C6 T4
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Interleaved, Non interleaved


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Castings and other multi-thickness subjects

An ultra-fine grain, medium-high contrast ASTM Class W-A film suitable to inspect wide range thickness subjects such as precision cast parts with X-ray or gamma ray sources. IX29 can be used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
22 22 22 22 W-A - W-A
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Non interleaved


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100


  • Castings and other multi-thickness subjects

An extremely fine grain, medium contrast ASTM Class W-B film suitable to inspect multi-thick, low-atomic number metal, and steel cast parts. IX59 can be used in direct exposure techniques or with lead screens.

Relative speed * Film system class *
100KV Direct 200KV with lead Ir-192 with lead Co-60 with lead ASTM E1815-96 ISO 11699-1 JIS K7627
45 45 45 45 W-B - W-B
Sheet : Non interleaved
Available packaging type
Non interleaved, Envelopak


*Speed as compared to that of type IX100 as a standard 100



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Classification based on developed with Fujifilm's recommended processing conditions.