Synapse 3D applications are developed in collaboration with radiologists, cardiologists, surgeons, and other specialists to produce relevant clinical solutions that lead to exceptional patient care. Each multifaceted application is adeptly coded to quickly and accurately deliver imaging results that trigger confident healthcare decisions by changing the way healthcare providers see images.
- The software uses award-winning*1 *2 Image Intelligence™ algorithms in the processing engines to yield confident results.
- Peer-reviewed research has shown that patient safety, surgical confidence,*3 and surgical effectiveness*4 were all improved when using Synapse 3D.
- There is a common UI, in which tools shared between analysis applications have the same appearance and function for consistency and ease of use.
- Application linking creates additional efficiencies by allowing you to access up to five applications without exiting the others.
![[image] Silhouette of man with colored points on head and along torso](
An application that extracts left and right ventricles, atria, and myocardial regions from CT images consisting of multiple time phases; calculates cardiac function parameters such as ventricular ejection fraction; and enables observation of transitions in ventricular and atrial volume.
An application for transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) planning used to measure various aspects of the aortic valve by extracting the heart and aortic regions. The software also confirms the size of the aorta and the performance and calcification of the aortic valve to support an aortic valve replacement.
An application that displays calcified areas and volumes of the coronary arteries by color and calculates the quantitative value of calcification by using the Agatston score method.
An application that extracts left and right ventricles, atria, and myocardial regions from CT images consisting of multiple time phases. The software also extracts the pulmonary vein in preoperative simulation for ablation and in postoperative observation.
An application that allows cardiac function analysis by automatically or manually obtaining the contours of ventricle and myocardium from CT images constructed by multiple time phases. Cardiac function CT calculates ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, stroke volume, etc.
An application that allows cardiac function analysis by automatically or manually obtaining the contours of ventricle and myocardium from MR images constructed by multiple time phases. Cardiac function MR calculates ejection fraction, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, stroke volume, etc.
An application for viewing fusion of cardiac anatomy from CT or MR and functional analysis such as MR, CT, or SPECT.
An application that analyzes myocardial blood flow using multiphase 3D heart images. Myocardial blood volume (MBV), myocardial blood flow (MBF), time to peak (TTP), peak enhancement (PE), and peak enhancement ratio (PER) are calculated.
An application that automatically extracts and labels coronary arteries and performs analysis of stenosis measurements, plaque quantification, and virtual stent grafts for procedural planning. Auto-generated paths are easily modified and many displays are available to suit any reading style.
An application that automatically extracts and labels coronary arteries and performs analysis of stenosis measurements and virtual stent grafts for procedural planning. Auto-generated paths are easily modified, and many displays are available to suit any reading style.
An application used to analyze myocardial viability. Measurements for delayed enhancement include area and volume. Displays of the enhanced area can be overlaid in the bull's-eye map. Short axis display uses enhanced area, mean intensity, and ratio inner and outer wall.
An application that calculates blood-flow volume and the flow velocity per heart rate of a user-defined ROI.
An application that utilizes 4D perfusion data to analyze the changes in cerebral blood flow from the dynamic scan images of CT and calculates cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow (CBF), mean transient time (MTT), and time to peak (TTP).
An application that uses perfusion data to analyze the changes in cerebral blood flow from the dynamic scan images of CT and calculates cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow (CBF), mean transient time (MTT), and time to peak (TTP).
An application that uses perfusion data to analyze the changes in cerebral blood flow from the dynamic scan images of MR and calculates cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow (CBF), mean transient time (MTT), and time to peak (TTP).
An application that enables tensor analysis from diffusion-weighted MR images and tractography-based extraction and observation of whitematter tractography pathways. Additional images (mainly CT images) can be loaded, and skin, bone, brain parenchyma, tumor, and cerebral vessels can be extracted in craniotomy simulations.
An application that semi-automatically extracts the blood vessels using subtraction. It also displays MIP, semi-transparent bone, arterial regions, and venous regions separately or simultaneously.
An application that analyzes lung nodules over time, as well as bronchi and low attenuation areas of the lungs. Lung lobes can be extracted automatically or manually.
An application that extracts lung, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, bronchus, and other regions for 3D visualization of the lungs. Lung resection simulation can be performed by extracting and segmenting the territories of pulmonary vessels and bronchi, which is useful for preoperative planning.
An application that identifies three optimal paths leading to a lung lesion. A bronchoscope simulation is performed along the path, helping to visualize difficult procedures prior to performing an invasive exam.
An application that detects polyps, masses, cancers, and other lesions in the colon via flythrough or 2D review.
An application used for laparoscopic surgery simulation. The app segments vessels, skin, bone, pancreas, spleen, and tumor. It also simulates inflation of the abdomen, port placement, and positioning. The simulator can perform virtual resection of organs with pertinent volumes.
An application that uses diffusion-weighted images to provide quantitative data from tissue microcapillary perfusion. The app automatically displays an ADC map, eADC Map, D Map, D* Map and f map. ROIs can be selectively placed over areas of disease to generate results.
An application that extracts the liver and nearby vessel regions from contrast-enhanced CT images and displays the results as 3D-mapped images. Hepatectomy simulation is also featured.
An application for liver function analysis. The software displays MR multiphase contrast-enhanced images and reference images. Results are calculated and presented for liver and spleen regions.
An application that analyzes the blood flow of abdominal organs over time, including the pancreas. Tissue blood volume (TBV), tissue blood flow (TBF), mean transient time (MTT), and time to peak (TTP) are calculated.
An application used to analyze tumors in the breast and generate a BI-RADS report. Tools include kinetic curves for wash-in and washout and subtraction of pre- and post-contrast. Measurements include distance from the nipple, distance from the skin, distance from the chest wall, and tumor volume. Color overlays can be shown as difference, initial phase enhancement, delayed phase enhancement, and fast washout.
An application that fuses CT and nuclear medicine (SPECT or PET) images to visualize anatomical and functional data. PET-CT SUV evaluation allows thresholding and comparison analysis for up to 10 studies.
An application that identifies and tracks temporal changes of solid tumors using PERCIST, RECIST, WHO, mRECIST, or Choi evaluation criteria.
An application used to analyze prostate gland tumors. The app enables diameter and volume measurements of the prostate gland and its lesions. Viewing tools include comparative observation of multiple series, T2, ADC, DWI, DCE, and time intensity curves. Observation and acquired measurements can be used to generate a PI-RADS report.
An application that enables extraction of the kidney, renal cortex, vessels, and surrounding organs from contrast-enhanced CT images for analysis and surgical planning. Extracted regions can be divided, and nephrectomy simulations can be performed.
An application that semi-automatically extracts the left and right kidneys from a non-contrast-enhanced CT exam. Volumes are recorded and can be compared to past results to observe changes over time.
An application that fuses 2D and 3D images of anatomical and functional data.
An application for viewing multimodality images. This software is also embedded as a simple CD/DVD viewer.
An application that fuses up to five series and displays the volume-rendered images.
An application that allows orthogonal, oblique, and endoscopic analysis of CT, MR, NM, and PT data. Major functions include body part extractions, reformatting, and cross-functional display and analysis.
An application that provides virtual endoscopy tools for airways and contrasted vessels.
An application that allows direct side-by-side comparison and synchronization of multiple 3D datasets.
An application for viewing CT or MR multiphasic data in cine mode, including synchronization with 2D cross-sectional images.
An application that calculates apparent diffusion coefficients from information on signal values of diffusion-weighted images collected with MR. The software displays and measures ADC and EADC values in ROIs.
An application that allows stitching of multiple series into a single view.
An application that creates panoramic and cross-sectional images along teeth and alveolar bones from CT images that is useful for dental implant planning.
An application that assesses images acquired over time, such as breast or prostate MR. It displays individual parameter images or time-intensity/time-activity curves of slices of multiphase data.
An application that calculates areas and volumes of subcutaneous and visceral fat in multiplanes (3D). The psoas muscle is automatically extracted, and volumes are calculated.
An application that fuses anatomical and functional data. Clinical applications include, but are not limited to, PET-MR, PET-CT, and SPECT-CT.
An application designed to create curved planar reformatted images (CPR) for clinical analysis of blood vessels, including stenosis measurements, stent graft planning, and calcification analysis of aorta, carotid, and other contrast-enhanced structures.
An application that creates orthogonal or oblique reconstructions in a straight line or in the shape of a fan on 2D images.
An application that simulates ultrasound examinations, particularly for aspiration and biopsy planning, and is especially useful for probe- and centesis-placement visualization.
An application used for reconstructing spine data through various angles that is especially helpful for complex spinal analysis, such as scoliosis treatment planning.
An application that creates STL files for 3D printing.
An application that provides calculations derived from MR signal values. Clinical utility of T2 assessment includes cartilage and collagen analysis to determine iron deposits and distribution.
- 1. Kirişli HA, et al., Standardized evaluation framework for evaluating coronary artery stenosis detection, stenosis quantification and lumen segmentation algorithms in computed tomography angiography, Medical Image Analysis, 2013.
- 2. Lo P, van Ginneken B, Reinhardt JM, Tarunashree Y, de Jong PA, Irving B, Fetita C, Ortner M, Pinho R, Sijbers J, Feuerstein M, Fabijanska A, Bauer C, Beichel R, Mendoza CS, Wiemker R, Lee J, Reeves AP, Born S, Weinheimer O, van Rikxoort EM, Tschirren J, Mori K, Odry B, Naidich DP, Hartmann IJ, Hoffman EA, Prokop M, Pedersen JH, de Bruijne M. "Extraction of Airways from CT (EXACT’09)", in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2012;31:2093-2107.
- 3. Komai Y, Sakai Y, Gotohda N, Kobayashi T, Kawakami S, Saito N. A novel 3-dimensional image analysis system for case-specific kidney anatomy and surgical simulation to facilitate clampless partial nephrectomy. Urology. 2014;83(2):500-7.
- 4. Abe Y, Itano O, Kitago M, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Hibi T, Takano K, Chiba N, Kawachi S, Shimazu M, Kitagawa Y. Computer assisted surgery, preoperative planning, and navigation for pancreatic cancer. Journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Sciences. 2014;21(4):251-5.