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Combining the versatility, image quality, and usability of the ARIETTA 850 with easy installation.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

ARIETTA 850SE - designed for high expectations

Greater examination precision, greater comfort, and a wider range of applications are now possible with ultrasound imaging. In response to the ever increasing expectations of the healthcare professionals, diagnostic equipment is continuously evolving. 
"Image quality", "Workflow" and "Applications" are the three key functional areas to refine fundamental performance, aiming to create the advanced ultrasound platform. Flexibly responding to users’ individual needs across the range of clinical disciplines, ARIETTA 850SE delivers diagnostic imaging without a compromise.

Premium fundamental performance has been refined with the goal of creating an advanced ultrasound platform, based on Pure Symphonic Architecture.

Designed with sophisticated ergonomics and multiple new tools that streamline your workflow.

Extensive variety of unique applications that create new clinical value is offered in all specialties.