Improve the employee experience by transforming accounts payable

Student and parent experience are top of mind for many school leaders. While customer experience is important, focusing on it alone is no longer enough. Leaders need to start thinking of the entire school experience. An important element of this is employee experience. 

Employee Experience at School

According to research company Forrester ‘great employee experiences enable employees to focus on their most important work — and makes it more likely to deliver great experiences to customers1’.

When talking to schools and reviewing research around staff experience, common themes appear. Staff are time poor and are dealing with an increasing administrative load. If school leaders want employees to focus on their most important work – educating future generations, they need to look at school administrative processes. Mapping these will help to understand where unnecessary time is being spent.

A driver of improving employee, student and parent experience is digital transformation. The potential to digitise documents and workflows opens the possibility to automate tasks and its benefits. Focusing on those that create a large administrative load for employees. Contributing to a poor employee experience. 

Speaking with school employees, FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia has identified an area that could benefit from automation – accounts payable.

Accounts Payable Workflow Automation

While digitising accounts payable is not new, schools are still on the journey to transform. 

Through accounts payable automation schools can gain several benefits. These all contribute to decreasing the time and workload associated with this task. These include:

  • Improved productivity and employee satisfaction – increase in processing speed means less time on data entry and more time spent supporting students
  • Reduced costs – automation and workflow improvement can help reduce the cost associated with accounts payable
  • Less human error – reduced manual data entry means less mistakes
  • Better supplier engagement – less paperwork and shorter processing times
  • Seamless integration with other school systems – removes the administrative burden of updating multiple systems with the same data allowing employees to focus on more value added tasks

Accounts payable is only one of many processes that could be digitalised to improve employee experience.

How can FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia help?

FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia understands that paper still play a big role in School processes, even amidst the ever-increasing demand to drive digital transformation. Today, many schools are seeking to convert paper-based processes to digital workflows, improve both employee and customer experiences, drive better management of content with optimised workflows, and effectively use and manage data that’s supplemented by analytics.

To find out more about how FUJIFILM Business Innovation Australia can help improve your employee experience, visit our website or contact us on 13 14 12.

Fujifilm Business Innovation