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Case Study



FP-Z5000 was used to produce the art of KYOTOGRAPHIE 2019.

The art was produced and projected on histrical builidings in Kyoto with FP-Z5000

The projector FP-Z5000 of Fujifilm was used at "KYOTOGRAPHIE Kyoto International Photo Festival* 2019".
You can watch the unique projection such as floor-projection on the slope, rear-projection in the narrow space, and so on, which takes advantage of the features of the FP-Z5000.

  • * The KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival is held annually over four weeks during the height of the spring tourist season in Kyoto, in a style that is unique in Asia. Exhibitions are spread across the city, staged creatively in various traditional and contemporary settings. The festival creates opportunities, bringing people together of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Now recognized as one of the world’s leading photography events, KYOTOGRAPHIE has attracted some 560,000 visitors from within Japan and overseas since 2013.