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DRI-CHEM NX500V - Overview


A multi-purpose automatic dry-chemistry analyzer featuring remarkably short turnaround time, a touch screen interface and reliability. <FOR VETERINARY>

Product Movie
Professional results from effortless and efficient operation.

A maximum of 20 test slides in the slide cartridge will be automatically processed in a single run. Proceeding sample or test can be set up subsequently without waiting for the previous run to fnish.

Proven quality from experience

Fujifilm has been developing analysis devices that work with dry chemistry for laboratory diagnostics since 1984.It has been the market leader in Japan ever since.

Simple 3-step procedure
[photo] Gloved hand setting slide inside DRI-CHEM NX500V

Set the slide (Dry Slide Reagents)

[photo] Gloved hand setting sample inside DRI-CHEM NX500V

Set the sample

[photo] Gloved hand pressing START button on touchscreen display of DRI-CHEM NX500V


Intuitive and easy operation on an LCD touch screen
Microsample testing A very useful feature especially in small animals
Automatic dilution

Dilution, a time consuming process, is also automated.
The only operation is to input the dilution ratio.

Easy maintenance

The analyzer is low maintenance.
It does not require special skills or training to maintain.

Quick measurement
  • * NX500V IC:In case of whole blood samples, it will take another 2 minutes for the centrifugation for each sample.
One pack panels (S-panels)
Continuous measurement DRI-CHEM NX500V processing cycle in minutes for 18 clinical parameters per patient sample
[image] Chart representing time it takes between first and second animal patient specimens with steps of auto pipetting, measurement, and results shown per sample
Accurate & Reliable
NX500V can measure lipase activity for canine

NX500V can measure lipase activity for canine

[image] Correlation of v-LIP with cPLI Graph, measuring canine lipase activity
[image] Graph of Lipase activity distribution classified by PLI diagnostic categories - less than 200 PLI rules out pancreatitis, 200-399 requires reexamination, and over 400 suggests pancreatitis
  • Citation:J.Vet.Med.Sci.73(11):1481-1483, 2011 Katsumi Ishioka
  • J-vet vol.291 2011.6 pp13-15, pp25-29
Precise results

The FUJI DRI-CHEM slide reagent has high reliability and stability brought by fine chemical technology cultivated through the long history of Fujifilm.
The high quality of Fujifilm reagents is demonstrated by a comparison with the standard measurement methods.

[photo] v-LIP Graph with 1,2-o-Dilauryl-rac-glycero-3-glutaric acid-(6-methylresorufin) ester lipase assay method
[image] vc-CRP Graph with immunonephelometry method
Easier & Faster Built-in centrifugal blood separator*1 for direct use of whole blood samples.
Specially designed IC CUP for high quality plasma
[image] Plasma separating from Hematocytes with Separating agent on IC Cup