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High-end Digital RF System


Comfort. Low Dose. Ultra-Versatility. The complete premium model.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Genius. Powerful. Unbelievable.

Complex and sensitive image recognition. A vast number of imaging algorithms. Pursuit of "dose reduction" and "high image quality". The secret behind all these lies in the GPU. This is the new generation image control engine, VISTABRAIN.

Good eye.

KINETICS / Motion Tracking Multi Noise Reduction
For many clinicians, exquisite image quality is critical to their procedures. KINETICS provides clear fluoroscopic images with less noise and blur. The 3rd generation noise reduction technology corrects motion at any angle by Block Matching Algorithms. When the body and the device move differently on the image, different optimal noise reduction filters are applied to each. Feel your kinetic vision improved.

Lock on your target.

TARGET / Local Motion Tracking Blur Reduction
If you wish to see less blur, start the engine VISTABRAIN. TARGET captures the local motion of the image and erases the afterimage on your behalf. The “Optical flow”, algorithms accurately calculate the motion vector in pixel, follow the motion of specific objects on the fluoroscopic image. 

The only zoom that never loses quality.

HIREZOOM / Hi-Rez Fluoro. × Hi-Mag Zoom [OPTION]
Endotherapy, it's the world of a millimeter. Improved visibility of fine guide wires, and it is our mission to support you. Unlike normal fluoroscopy that is binned*1, HIREZOOM is no binning fluoroscopy. This is a big difference. To see the miniaturized device clearly, switch to high-resolution and high-magnification zoom.

  • *1 Combining adjacent pixels into a single pixel. It reduces noise by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio as well as a resolution by the factor of binning. 

Wire optimum weighted imaging.

WOW / Background Attenuation Processing [OPTION]
As endoscopists, visibility is critical to their performance. Especially for procedures like guidewire overlapped with a spine or thick contrast dye. WOW makes a big difference on your fluoroscopy, extracting and weighting a guidewire. To give you remarkable visibility in the dark, it subtracts a background. This is another style of fluoroscopy to take clinician confidence to a new level. 

Light. Shadow. Contour. Fine-tuned.

HARMONY / Multi Frequency Processing × Retinex Theory
You are explorer, it’s your passion to seek high-contrast images without missing any details. HARMONY fine-tunes the vision globally and locally. Frequency emphasis. Dynamic range compression. Local contrast correction... All in real-time due to GPU architecture. No more halation. No more shadow. And crisp edges and precision.

Waiting time : 0min

RealtimeIR / Realtime Iterative Reconstruction
An instant Iterative Reconstruction in daily routine for all. ReatimeIR improves the signal-to-noise ratio of radiography images at a comparable dose level. Normal IR based on raw data statistical modeling typically takes time. On our new engine VISTABRAIN, a powerful GPU installed, the reconstruction is completed in a blink of an eye. Changing the viewpoint, ReatimeIR helps to lower the dose when maintaining the same SN ratio.