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High-end Digital RF System


Comfort. Low Dose. Ultra-Versatility. The complete premium model.

The content on this page is intended to healthcare professionals and equivalents.

Minimum dose. Maximum vision.

Safety for all translates primarily into the dose reduction. Our answer was to change the standard of dose care with a whole new program. With numerous technologies born in the medical sites, your low dose has evolved as IntelliDOSE.

Half dose. Same image quality.

IntelliFRAME / Frame Conversion [OPTION]

Reduce the dose to half without sacrificing smoothness. Typically, the more pulse you shoot, the smoother the fluoroscopy becomes. IntelliFRAME will blow your mind. Set the pulse rate to 1/2 and activate IntelliFRAME. The dose becomes 50%, yet smoothness maintains by frame interpolation. EndoTherapy. Pediatrics. OB/GYN. Half dose with no image degradation.

Small cut. Big result.

IntelliCUT / Active Dose Reduction

No one wants to receive radiation dose that 
does not contribute to imaging. ‟Trail effect” is an active dose that does not contribute to imaging. IntelliCUT significantly reduces unwanted X-ray exposure by Trail Cut-off on every pulse. Patients. Doctors. Nurses.  Radiographers. etc... Eliminate unwanted scattered radiation for everyone with IntelliCUT.

As many as you want with no added dose.

IntelliSHOT / Fluoro. Screenshot

Dose-free screenshot. All-you-can-take! You can save high-quality fluoroscopy as static images at your desired timing (sent in DICOM format). It captures a specific frame of the fluoroscopy, hence there is no more dose due to additional exposures. With CUREVISTA Open, let’s take screenshots, instead of additional exposures.