Simultaneously as the project started, we gathered opinions from sales staff all over the country, who led the entire sales force in the east and west of Japan. Let's see what actions Fukutake Ishishita and Nozomu Takase took.
I do whatever it takes.
Takase :
What I ensured in this development project was "getting feedback from as many customers as possible." The ultimate goal was to satisfy a wide spectrum of stakeholders ranging from technicians, nurses and doctors who diagnose and treat, to directors who run hospitals.
We did whatever it took to achieve this by coordinating with the salesforce from all over Japan. Our efforts paid off and we successfully met the requests of our customers.
Ishishita :
What kind of issues do customers have? What do they expect from medical equipment? These questions formed the cornerstone of our design strategy. The 925 voices collected from our customers in the medical field positioned them as “designers” of the system.
All medical staff are the architects.
Ishishita :
Medical care in Japan is known to be one of the most advanced in the world. As such, medical facilities and professionals have high expectations and practice stringent equipment selection criteria.
In Japan, the usage and operation of fluoroscopy rooms have changed in recent years. For example, some facilities use each system as a dedicated machine focused on a specific exam, while others handle all exams with one system.
Diverse customer opinions drive the development of new blueprints and inspires the team to conscientiously gather inputs from our customers.
Takase :
Salespeople like us are the ones who receive the most valuable feedback and requests from medical professionals. Taking advantage of this position, we gathered the “voices” of customers from sales staff all over Japan. In addition to the sales reps., many design engineers visited medical sites and developed ideas from broader perspectives.
Based on these insights, the development outline of CUREVISTA Open was drawn. As such, we consider all frontline medical staff as our co-architects in the development of CUREVISTA Open.
Embarking on A New Journey.
Ishishita :
Now that the CUREVISTA Open is launched, we look forward to more conversations with our customers. A customer once told me that he appreciated how new features of the product were developed based on the voices of other customers.
Isn't this a kind of communication that allows customers to talk to each other through products? I can't be happier when customers think, “If you tell Fujifilm, they will improve.”
Takase :
We would like to bring out the potential of CUREVISTA Open by continuing to have a deep relationship with our customers. The project is not over. It is our new start to evolve together with our customers.