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Việt Nam

ARIETTA 50LE ver.3 - Carefree Workflow

Compact model equipped with a monitor arm for easy operation by both beginners and expert.

Nội dung trên trang này dành cho các chuyên gia chăm sóc sức khỏe và tương đương.

Flexible Monitor Arm

The monitor arm can be moved freely to give you greater flexibility when performing multiple styles of exams.

Easy-to-use Touch Screen Panel

The touch screen panel is mounted at a comfortable and convenient angle. The screen’s layout is customizable by clinical application, allowing for intuitive operation.

Adjustable Panel Height/ Rotation

It is possible to adjust the height and rotation of the operating console to best suit the operator and examination to be performed.

21.5 inch Widescreen Monitor 

The high contrast LCD monitor with a wide field of view displays images with high sensitivity and resolution, reducing patient-dependent image variability.


Battery operation enables the system to be moved to a new location without powering it down, so that operation can be resumed immediately.

  • *1 The standard components and optional items differ depending on the country.
Auto Optimizer

Images can be adjusted with a single keystroke: B-mode gain, baseline position and velocity range of the Doppler waveform are all optimized.

Before Gain Adjustment

After Gain Adjustment

Before PW Waveform Adjustment

After PW Waveform Adjustment