FUJIFILM BI Asia Pacific Wins BLI 2021 PRO Award from Keypoint Intelligence


FUJIFILM Business Innovation Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. won a BLI 2021 PRO Award from Keypoint Intelligence for the Versant 3100i Press efficient production workflow capabilities, strong colour matching performance and automated setup with minimum user intervention. The Versant 3100i Press has already started sales in the Asia Pacific region.

According to Keypoint Intelligence, the GX Print Server 2, which powered the press in their tests, proved to be intuitive to use and feature-rich, with an excellent media stock library, timeline viewer, and variety of remote management options. The Versant 3100i Press performed very impressively, delivering high levels of engine efficiency while still maintaining an average mean DeltaE00 colour drift of only 1.8 across more than 46,000 clicks over their six production-length test runs spanning coated, uncoated, and textured stocks from 80 gsm up to 300 gsm. The device also stood out with excellent colour matching, and on the reproduction of memory colours, where it gained their highest 5 Star rating.

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Tightened Compliance Requirements Highlight Climate Change Initiatives

As revisions to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting Guide issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) became effective for financial years commencing on or after 1st July 2020, Hong Kong listed companies started disclosing more non-financial information to their stakeholders.

Over recent years, a growing number of investors have been looking for and incorporating data related to climate change in their decision-making process, a trend that in Hong Kong has been spreading from institutional investors to family offices. Funds with an ESG-themed mandate that adopt an ESG equities index as benchmark of a passive portfolio are rising in the investment market. Investors are increasingly considering these non-financial factors as part of their analysis to identify material risks and growth opportunities, and evaluate companies in which they might want to invest.

To facilitate the provision of climate change disclosures (Aspect A4 of the revised SEHK ESG Reporting Guide), a brand-new survey module is added to iESG, our locally-developed ESG data management tool. By completing the climate risk assessment survey and reviewing the system-generated report, users can better understand and gain insights into their company’s climate-related risks and opportunities based on the TCFD framework.

(Extract from blog article)

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How SMBs leverage technologies for post-pandemic business growth

Alan Chan, our Director of Marketing & Supply Chain Management, was interviewed on Metro Finance (FM104) programme (財知大道) live broadcasted on 6 June 2021. He shared what Fujifilm business covers besides the well-known film products, and gave his observations on Hong Kong business trends such as:

  • The V-shape recovery in the last quarter after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Fallacy: The printer market is shrinking in the paperless era
  • How SMBs stand out from the crowd by adopting cloud solutions
  • Advantages of digital technology development in Hong Kong 


Cargo service provider AIC Asia automated business flows by MVDP

Founded in 1899 and headquartered at the United States, AIC Asia has started to develop its service network in Hong Kong since 2005. The company has provided logistics services for clients on the Sino-US trade, which is in the highest demand among toys manufacturers. Since the establishment of AIC Asia’s Hong Kong office, it has been using NCR printers, the dominating printer in the logistics industry, to cater the tremendous demand in printing, just like other logistics enterprises.

However, it has been causing operational disruptions. Printing quality could also be greatly affected by slight misplacement of papers and technical errors like pen failure, leading to blurred contents on the second and third layers of the printouts, thus fatally affecting customs clearance and administrative works. 


Volunteer Service (Organisation) Bronze Award

Awarded by the Volunteer Movement of the Social Welfare Department, the Bronze Award for Volunteer Service (Organisation) recognises our contribution of volunteering service in 2020, even during the pandemic.


We have been engaging in community services for over 30 years and set up our volunteer team in 2011. Comprising a network of our employees and their family members and friends, the volunteer team actively participate in community programmes. Their priority is to focus to actualise future generation’s needs and combat climate change through a series of environmental activities.


Moving forward, we will continue to support and connect our volunteers to contribute to the community with their expertise, and to build a sustainable society for all.







“Customer’s Voice” Wanted!

We always value your “Customer’s Voice” and really appreciate every compliment or complaint on our services, products and performance. It helps us ensure the consistent quality of customer service and is the motivation for us to do better to accelerate your business success.

